Thursday, October 21, 2021

History of 3 Musketeers Candy Bar 🍂

     What's your favorite candy bar? It's almost Halloween so we are stocking up on candy for trick or treaters. Everyone has their favorite: Snickers, Milky Way, Reeses, M&M's, Jolly Ranchers, Smarties, etc. Kids will gather their candy for Halloween, then sit around after they collected their spoils and trade with their friends. At least that's what I and my friends used to do. My favorite candy bar to get though was a 3 Musketeers Bar. It's still my favorite to this day. But you know a question was brought up recently of why was it called 3 Musketeers? So searching I went.

History of the 3 Musketeers Candy Bar

    The 3 Musketeers Candy Bar was introduced way back in 1932. Farther back than I anticipated. It was the third candy made by the Mars Company at the time. The two key components used, today, are Chocolate and Nougat. Nougat was originally put into candy bars because it resembles the flavor and texture of Ice Cream, which is why a lot of people choose to refrigerate or freeze their candy bars. Fascinating! But that doesn't answer my question. Why call it 3 Musketeers? 

Screenshot from Commercial
Super Circus - 1954

There used to be three flavors

    When it was released in 1932, it was released with not one, but three minibars, with each containing a different flavor: Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla. OH!! That's where it got its name! Never saw that coming. Eventually, because of World War II and sugar rationing, in 1945 they condensed it down to just one flavor: Chocolate. Which is what we have today. And it was marketed as being so big it could be shared with a friend. But let's be honest, who would want to share. The original cost of the bar back in 1932 was only 5 cents, which would be approximately 89 cents today. 

3 Musketeers is the same as Milky Way?!

    Did you know that 3 Musketeers is very similar to the Milky Way bar? Not the American-made Milky Way (which to the rest of the world is known as a Mars Bar). No, we are talking about the European version of the Milky Way bar. If you handed someone from outside the United States a 3 Musketeers Bar, they would say, this is a Milky Way Bar. I have never tasted it personally, but according to Candyrageous:

"Yes, the European Milky Way is reminiscent of 3 Musketeers, but different enough to feel distinct. The consistency of the fluffy nougat is about the same, but the flavour is entirely different; the stuff in a 3 Musketeers bar has a mildly chocolatey flavour, while the filling here has more of a malty kick. It’s interesting — it almost tastes like Maltesers, but soft and chewy instead of light and crispy." Source:

     Well, there you have it. You learn something new every day. I have to say, I'm glad the 3 Musketeers is only chocolate now. I can't imaging having the other flavors. But of course, this is what I've been used to for so long. So if they were to change it, yeah I would be upset. Great, now I want a 3 Musketeers bar. 

    Well before we go, let's take a trip down memory lane with a few old vintage 3 musketeers commercials. Enjoy!

Commercial #1
TV Commercial - 1960s

Commercial #2
Super Circus - 1954

Commercial #3
Howdy Doody - 1950s

Commerical #4
TV Commercial - 1980

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