Thursday, October 14, 2021

45s and Memories - I found Mom's records! 🍂

     So I walked upstairs from my parents' basement and told mom, I'd like to speak to her husband. I also told her she wouldn't believe what I found in a pickling crock downstairs. At the very bottom of this cock was an old brown bag and inside was a whole bunch of 45 records. Mom's 45 records! You see, we've been looking for these for a few years. She knew they had to be down there somewhere, but they weren't with the rest of the records. Dad would always just say, they are down there somewhere.
    Well, I finally found them. And I get why Dad put the records there. They have had problems with flooding for many years so he put them in this crock to keep them dry. Makes sense. But then he piled a whole bunch of other stuff on top of them!! This picture was taken before I started working in his office. Where the red arrow is pointing is where the pickling crock is sitting. 

    After I brought them upstairs to mom, we spent time going through them reminiscing. When I was a kid, I used to play mom's records on their record player in the basement. Mom also pointed out which ones were her favorite and which ones had special memories. 

Here are the records now in a box for me to go through.
As you can there were quite a bit.

    So I thought I would share some of the songs that I found. Under each video will be a description of that particular song. Enjoy reminiscing with us!

Michael Jackson - Beat It
This was my favorite 45 to play as a kid. I used to walk around the house singing, "Just Beat It!" So I was so thrilled to find this 45. So many memories.

Rod Stewart - Maggie May
Mom loved Rod Steward and this was her nickname in school.

Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters
Another favorite of mine that I would play over and over. This was a Ray Parker Jr. 45 record. On one side was this song and the other side was the instrumental version of this song. It still plays but has some scratches on it.

Sonny & Cher - I Got You Babe (live version)
I used to say this to my daughter & husband all the time. 

Bobby Vinton - Coming Home Soldier
Mom had quite a few 45s of Bobby Vinton. She loved his music. But this one she said she listened to a lot.

Leo Sayer - When I Need You

This song is so special to my mom. She gave this 45 to my dad. 
When he would be away on the road traveling, she would think of this song. She was afraid this 45 was lost forever, but it was in the bag of records. 
So I put it up with his picture. 
I may make something with it for her.

    These are just a few of the records that were special. I hope you enjoyed reminiscing with me. Do you have any special songs that remember playing on 45s? Head over to YouTube to look them up. Then share them with me in the comments. I look forward to listening to them. 

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