On January 6, 1975, NBC premiered a new game show created by Merv Griffin. It is the "longest-running syndicated game show in American television" and has been hosted by Pat Sajak and Vanna White since the 1980s. Yes, that show is Wheel of Fortune! Do you know it? Have you watched it at any point in the last 40 years?
I found this information on the History.com website and it instantly triggered happy memories from when I was a kid. Back in the 80s and 90s, my mom and I would go visit her mom, my grandma (Ruth Wheeler) and stay for the weekend. We would order pizza, play Canasta, and then, of course, watch Wheel of Fortune after dinner. It was my grandma's favorite show. It was so much fun playing along with everyone trying to guess the puzzles.
Not only did we watch Wheel of Fortune, but we would also watch The Price is Right, Press Your Luck, and 25,000 Pyramid. We loved the game shows so much! Press Your Luck was my favorite. That's the one with the Whammy's. But like I said, my grandma's favorite show was Wheel of Fortune. Great memories.
My Grandma and Me
Great post much appreciate the time you took to write this.