Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Week 32: Sister

     Being an only child, I never had the privilege of having siblings. Some have told me I'm lucky. Maybe. But I also missed out on the benefits as well. The giving & receiving of sisterly advice. The sharing of secrets & clothes. Someone to lean on during difficult times. Although I never had biological sisters, I've been blessed with having close girlfriends I consider sisters. So I'd like to dedicate this post to them.
     My first best friend who was like a sister to me was Sarah McKeever. My mom used to babysit her when we were little. She held that position in my life for quite a long time. We've got so many memories from our times together. Sadly, I am not connected with her anymore. We have both gone our separate ways, but I will treasure the time we spent together.

     My second best friend who was like a sister to me was Crystal McDaniel. We've been friends since the 3rd grade. For years, we were inseparable. She literally became part of our family, always staying the night, going on vacations, spending every waking & sleeping moments together. Just like sisters, we had our fights, but we also had our tender moments. I have so many great memories of our time together. We lost contact for a while, but have reconnected.


     My most recent best friend and sister is Sarah Hitzfelder. I met her through my husband, and we've been close ever since. My daughter knows her as Aunt & her kids know me as Aunt. Honestly, something I treasure very deeply. We've made many memories together, taken vacations, helping each other through difficult & challenging parts of life, spending holidays together, etc. We may not live close in proximity, but nothing will change our relationship. I'm blessed to have her in my life. Through ups & downs, good times & rough, she is my sister.


     These are just three ladies who have made an impact on my life who I was/am blessed to have as sisters. That doesn't mean others haven't been special to me. There are others who are close like sisters and whom I consider close friends. You all are my Sisterchicks.

Thank you, everyone, for being a part of my life & for allowing me to be a part of yours.



  1. I love you sis. You will always be my sister. ������Thank you for that honor in your life, you have no clue how much you mean to me. I could never express it well enough. There is no way to tell the sun and moon for shining each day in their life and you are just as important as if not more.

    1. OH sis you are going to make me cry!! Love you! Thank you for being a part of my life.
