Thursday, August 20, 2020

Smells & Memories - "Smells Like the Lake!"

      Smells can bring about very vivid memories. Have you ever been walking around somewhere when you caught a whiff of something familiar and instantly you are transported back to a certain moment from your past? That happens to me all the time. My husband makes fun of me for my strong sense memory. When I catch a whiff of something, I will sniff like a bloodhound trying to figure out the smell and how it connects to my memory. Food especially brings about strong memories.
     Think about all the food you have smelled in your life. Especially around the holidays. Turkey cooking in the oven. The smoke from a fireplace in the living room. The smell of snow in the air. (Yes snow has a smell, at least to me) Let me tell you about a specific memory involving food.
     Growing up we would take trips down to my family's lake house in Oakland, Missouri during the summer. There was always a crowd of people staying at the house, so there would need to be mounds of food. One thing my mom would make is a huge pot of homemade spaghetti with meat sauce. That would be perfect to feed an army. I can remember the smell of the kitchen when she would cook it. OH delicious. To this day, anytime one of us makes it, someone remarks, "Smells like the lake!" And they would be right. Cause that is when mom always made it. Great memories. 
      Below is a photo of me eating mom's homemade spaghetti. There is a story that goes with this photo. Mom told me that I would take the spaghetti off the plate, place it on her shirt, then eat it off her shirt. Apparently, that made it taste better? What can I say? I had issues. Haha!

What food brings back memories for you?

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